Saturday, March 29, 2008

3rd tour...

got back from kl monday 24th, drove tuesday to kooly and then down to esperance, dekat 1000km tu, berapa ramai anak melayu yang dah buat? tak pernah ada kot...

more interestingly was the trip back home, melepas rindu dengan my queen and my angels, plan nak gi genting burn coz luq dok hospital, sabtu baru keluar... well, dapat jumpa diorang for a few days pun jadi la... luq dah ok sikit tapi still not out of the woods yet, we'll see...

what else did i do? hmmm managed to go to low yatt, belikan my buddy matt 8Gb micro sd, beli thumbdrive lagi (setan gemok tu rosakkan aku nye yang lama), beli headphones baru nak skype, put spiderman skin on my ipod lalala, so it wasn't a total disaster... have a new friend now:boleh la layan diri sorang2 dalam bilik ni, bau2an from the previous tenant pun dah hilang, aku dah terbalikkan tilam, sembur kasi wangi, tukar cadar, beli bantal baru... thank God semua dah clear... tapi ntah la, lately ni asyik nak membeli je, impulsive shopping, tadi petang bought an ipod bluetooth adapter from, ada lagi ni nak beli ni, dah ada bluetooth kena la beli bluetooth headphone pulak dak? tak tau la credit card nanti camana rupa...

nothing like being 'alone' in a foreign country...

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

My Son My Angel

Semalam anak aku masuk hospital, doktor pun tak berapa sure apa exactly punca sakitnya so nak buat test lagi... sedihnya tak tau nak cakap macamana, i've always been there bila any of my children were ill but not this time...

I don't normally get shaken up but this did... staring at the moon and thinking "kesiannya anak aku..." Thank God aku balik m'sia esok, but just think, apa jadi kalau it happened some other week? Boleh ke aku balik? Sempat ke aku nak balik? Tak berapa serious according to the doctor tapi the fact he has to stay in hospital dekat seminggu is serious enough for me...

"Ya Allah, peliharakanlah anakku, sembuhkanlah penyakitnya..."

My son... I am void of words to express this helplessnes that has shrouded this person that is your father...

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Papa's Day Out

It's Sunday, 4 more days til I go back woohoo!! Yesterday was told that we can vouch for a helmet so got one yesterday... Now that I can ride the scooter, where oh where shall I go hehe..

Pagi ni kol 11 aku dah siap, pegi Fremantle Market. Niat utama: nak makan sate and beli something untuk family

Semalam dah check internet, mana malaysian food kat situ, so jumpa la, it's called Freo Curry Hut, boleh baca sendiri kot and it says Authentic Malaysian Cuisine... Well, tak disangkal memang masakan M'sia, ada bihun, karipap, popia, nasi goreng, kari ayam, kambing, daging etc and best of all; sate! Aku pun order secukupnya, AUD 20 aku hentam (bayangkan dekat RM60 tu), minah yang jaga tu pun cakap "banyaknya makan..." hehe Aku cakap "dah lama tak jumpa..." Tapi yg lagi best; diorang orang Indonesia.. Hmm funny, minah tu cakap they bought over the shop but still maintains the style of food... Apa2 la, janji aku dapat lepas gian aku, this can be a weekly ritual now...

So, perut dah kenyang, mula la ronda2 cari barang... Sambil tu tengok street shows, cool jugak... There was a lady jester handing out balloons to kids

Ada 'Ginja Ninja' kalau tak salah nama dia, sorry dude if i got it wrong, who juggled with fire sticks and walked on his hands over "volunteers" he was funny

Ada 'Bad Piper' and his lovely or ehem should i say quite fetching assistant, who played bagpipes obviously, to rock tunes... Best jugak, his album has been out for 2 weeks he said so check it out.. Do i get commission for this Mr Piper?

So yeah, it was a fun day... At least hilang la bosan and missing the family... Ada la beli souvenirs like boomerang and stuff tapi bila pikir balik hey, bukan balik terus, nanti datang balik, so takde la beli banyak sangat... D**n, have to come back, that immediately got me on the scooter and balik rumah...

Takpe la, dapat jugak jumpa family sekejap, 4 hari lagi, macam2 plan nak fit in the weekend nanti, nak beli gitar lagi, got it off 'Lelong', and a few other things lagi... Really looking forward to the trip home ni, but then dreading the thought that I have to come back here, so tak tau nak cakap camana, just take it one day at a time i guess...

Definitely will be visiting Low Yat...

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Hujan emas di negeri orang...

It's been a while since I've updated this blog, just been lazy I guess, plus Sire just piles on the work and just drives me up the wall sometimes... but yeah forget him, I'm here, I'll do the time, and go back home a better man...

What have I been up to? Took the train to the city last Sunday, interesting, not a lot of people on the train even tho it was free for the day, tis pretty much the same as our LRTs back in KL except on these trains people can actually bring their bikes along... imagine that in KL, we'd probably get a lot of "oi"s and "gila"s...

Ada gak bahasa melayu kat signboard kat sini rupanya...

Finally bought an iPod, I think I got it cheaper but only because the Ringgit was performing better against the greenback, so yeah, had fun with that for a bit, uploading songs, making playlists etc. My real intention of going to town was to find fellow Malaysians, somebody to talk to really but no such luck for me... Of all the places, I got to meet a few guys at the airport when I was waiting to go to Esperance. One was a PR and the 2 other guys were like me, working here for a few months. Cool guys, really enjoyed their company for a bit, dapat la cakap melayu sekejap... Alo Munir, Bahar and Din (sorry tak berapa ingat yang last one tu)

So yeah, in Esperance now, working my ass off, preparing for meetings as usual, only tomorrow to go and probably the only day to get anything else done, hopefully... Nice place but you really only wanna be here a few days really, there's the beach and then there's the beach, nothing much to do....
Counting the days to the 20th...